Mellencamp Mural GuestbookRSS

Kevin Weaver

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John's music is Awesome

Kim Heman

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John's music is the soundtrack of my life!

Krista Attreau

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John's music is a comfort in my life - a 'friend' I turn to for music that inspires me, soothes my soul, makes me think outside my comfort zone, dance like no one is watching, sing like I'm a performer and lift my spirits. Having heard him speak of his love and passion for his art, John's paintings have grown on me over the years and many pieces of art and art exhibits I have had the opportunity to view. It is so interesting to look at the different media he uses and the not-so-hidden message you find when you examine them.

Lalene Kay

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John's music means history and home towns

Laura Gilkey

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What does John mean to me.... Love him!

Laura Ross

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I'm from a small town and John's music and values represent mine. His music is like a warm hug to me.

Laura Williamson

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John's music means I'm a Hoosier

Lindsy Gabbard

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Cool to hear him and knowing I have a famous cousin.

Lisa Benjamin

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To me.. John's music means I'm a Hoosier

Lisa Komarek

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I have loved his music since 1982. Feel good music.. I've been to 2 of his concerts and have tickets to one next year!!!

Lorraine Copenhaver

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John's music brings back a lot of memories!

Luke Komarek

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John has always done a great job of conveying what it's like to be an American in the midwest, whether that's positive or negative. He has the ability to create songs that speak to his listeners.

Madison Hicks

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John's music means excellence

Mark Thornburg

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John's music kept me hooked on rock and roll

Mary Jerger

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What does John's music mean to me? ... It's all relatable

Marye Jane Kiser

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What does John's music mean to me... Small town life.

Melissa Barlow

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His music was the soundtrack of my youth.

Michael Parker West

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John's music helps remind me of who I am..

Mike & Patty Ellis

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John's music is the music I grew up on.

Mike Denton

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To me, John's music means... Small town

Milissa Tillery

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John's music is good for the soul!

Missy Scarlett

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As a kid, I just liked the music and his voice, and the fact he was one of our own around here, but now I appreciate all the lyrics in his songs even more so. He is a great, natural-born storyteller. I don't know any other catchy "little diddy" songs quite like his.

Monica Spahr

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To me, John's music reminds me of home, and my childhood

Nicole Cox

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To me John's music is.. Anybody can make it anywhere with hard work and determination. Doesn't matter where you come from.

Pam Rosauer

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John's music means home to me...

Patricia Motley

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Beautiful & heartfelt American song writing. And put it all into words. Check it out

Patrick McConnell

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To me, John's music is nostalgia

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