City of Seymour Trash, Recycling & Yardwaste
2025 Holiday Schedule - Trash, Recycle & Yardwaste
Click here for a print friendly version of the 2025 Holiday Schedule
Seymour Recycles
Call 812.524.1100 to start recycling today. It's Free!
City of Seymour Recycling Program
Residents can participate in Seymour’s recycling program free of charge. However, we must keep our materials free of contamination. Failure to add acceptable items to the bin will result in it being removed.
- All materials should be loose in the toter.
- No plastic bags, film, or wrapping (from packs of water bottles, paper towels, canned goods, etc.)
- No electronics
- No packing materials
- No foam (Styrofoam)
- No yard waste
Acceptable items include:
- Aluminum & steel cans (Cans are the only form of these metals accepted in curbside recycling.) Large metals can be brought to the Drop Off Area at DPW, 865 F Ave. East, Seymour. Please see attendant for instructions.
- Cardboard
- Cartons (broth, juice, milk)
- Glass bottles & jars (food & beverage containers only)
- Paper (includes junk mail, magazines, office/school paper) No laminated paper. Please place shredded paper in a box and label it.
- Plastic bottles, plastic jugs, plastic tubs, and plastic fast-food cups
Drop Off Information
Drop off at our facility, 865 F Ave. East, Seymour. Hours M-F, 7:30 AM-3 PM and Saturdays, 10 AM-2 PM.
- We accept documents to be shredded. Documents are placed through a slot in a locked toter. The shred truck visits every 6-8 weeks and shreds on site.
- We accept Household Hazardous Waste. Materials must be in the original container with a readable label. Residents must sign in materials with our attendant.
- We accept the same materials for recycling drop off as those accepted in curbside containers. The Drop Off has bins for Cardboard, Paper, and Comingle (all other acceptable items).
- We accept yard waste. Materials need to be emptied from bags.
Electronics, Appliances, Tires, Etc.
- We also accept electronics Monday-Friday. There is a $20 fee per television, computer monitor, or laptop. All other electronics are accepted free of charge. Electronics can be brought in or collected from curbside. Payment can be made to DPW by cash, check, or money order.
- We accept tires (passenger & pickup truck only) Monday-Friday. There is a fee of $3 per tire, $5 if on the rim.
- We accept large appliances (air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, etc.) Monday-Friday. There is no fee for these items. Please see the attendant for instructions.
- We accept large metals Monday-Friday. There is no fee for these items. Please see the attendant on duty for instructions.
Seymour Trash Removal
- Please place trash/recycle at curb before 7 a.m. on collection day. There may be a different driver collecting your trash each day, this is why we ask it to be sat out before 7 a.m.
- Please bag trash placed in toter. Loose trash will not be collected.
- Do not place the following in toters: hazardous materials, biohazard wastes, batteries, televisions, electronics, oils, flammable liquids, limbs, brush or yard waste of any kind. Construction debris can cause issues with trucks and equipment.
- Residents are allowed 2 large items every collection day and should be placed at curb and ready for pick up by 7 a.m. Any more than 2 items is considered a residential payload, and residents should contact DPW to schedule collection of payload. Once the payload has been collected, the invoice will be billed to the owner of the property. The minimum payload fee is $15 up to $29.90 per ton.
- Seymour DPW does not collect trash for businesses.
- Please do not bag items in recycle toters.
- Place toter at curb 4-6 feet apart from other items. Toters should be spaced 4-6 feet apart from each other with the handle facing the house and the lid must be closed or collection may be delayed.
- Yard waste debris can be placed in a separate 35-gallon can or bagged in a preferred paper bag. Place yard waste at curb by 7 a.m. on collection day.
- Large yard waste debris such as trees, limbs, leaves etc. can be placed at the curb by 7 a.m. on collection day spaced from toters and any other items. Also, no overhead obstructions as we use a truck that needs overhead clearance to pick up these items. DPW prefers large yard waste such as this be called in prior to collection day.
- Holidays - DPW runs a double day after a holiday. Collection may be delayed. Please allow until 3:30 p.m. before considering your trash has been missed. In some circumstances, such as mechanical failure of trucks or equipment, collection may be delayed as well.