Cedar Key, FL, USA
I grew up in in a small Indiana town not far from Seymour so I take a little pride in growing up in a small town!
Marengo, OH, USA
He tells stories with his music and his art and that is what I like.
Kokomo, IN, USA
Minneapolis, MN, USA
John's music to me.. I was born in a small town too
Holland, MI
John's music honors small town America and the average citizen.
Chicago, IL, USA
John's music touches the soul and is truly one of the greatest songwriters of our time
Oak Harbor, OH, USA
John's music brings back good memories.
Lebanon, OH, USA
To me, John's music means "Truth"
John's music means.. Car rides
Arizona City, AZ, USA
Always listened in the car. Traveling, cruising, or at parties.
Knoxville, TN, USA
John's music makes me happy.
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