Mellencamp Mural GuestbookRSS

Tammie Garstecki

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I grew up in in a small Indiana town not far from Seymour so I take a little pride in growing up in a small town!

Tammie Stanley

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He tells stories with his music and his art and that is what I like.

Theresa Kortman

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John's music to me.. I was born in a small town too

Tim and Michele Richardson


John's music honors small town America and the average citizen.

Tim Quinlan

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John's music touches the soul and is truly one of the greatest songwriters of our time

Tom Striker

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John's music brings back good memories.

Tonya Scott

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To me, John's music means "Truth"

Trista Rose

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John's music means.. Car rides

Tyler and Sharon Vandesteeg

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Always listened in the car. Traveling, cruising, or at parties.

Vera Jones

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John's music makes me happy.

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