Newton, KS, USA
John' s songs have so much to say, so much meaning. He is true song writer and musician.
Rochester, MN, USA
To me, John's music means "hometown"
Elkhart, IN, USA
To me John's music is.. Just good easy listening
Charleston, IL, USA
To me, Jack and Diane is my favorite
Napa, CA, USA
John's music just feels so authentic and I love the storytelling. It makes me feel young and rebellious.
Canton, MI, USA
John's music.... makes me think about home
Minneapolis, MN, USA
John's music to me.. I was born in a small town too
Williamsburg, OH, USA
John's music comes from the heart and soul.
Bethpage, NY, USA
To me... John sings from the heart
Austin, IN, USA
I love the small town, local pride you feel within his music and lyrics.
Princeton, IN, USA
I think his music and art say a lot.
Wilkinson, IN, USA
To me, John's music is Small town life.
Cleveland, OH, USA
What does John's music mean to me - "Omg he is so gifted"
Racine, WI, USA
What does John's music mean to me? ... It's all relatable
Carrollton, IL, USA
I'm from a small town and John's music and values represent mine. His music is like a warm hug to me.
Ligonier, PA, USA
He is all about our great country. He exudes patriotism with his lyrics. Nobody does for America like John Mellencamp. He gets it...and he presents it to us with his songs. Scarecrow is my favorite John Mellencamp album.
Louisville, KY, USA
What does John mean to me.... Love him!
Altamonte Springs, FL, USA
What does John's music mean.. It means A LOT..
Orland, IN, USA
To me John's music means.. Don’t forget where you came from.
Brunswick, ME, USA
To me, John's music is about one word: Authenticity. John is consistently soulful--hides no emotion--let's it all go.
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