Meet the 2021-22 Seymour Mayor's Youth Council

Members are Gracie Adams, Paul Bontrager, Addie Brock, Macy Casner, Lorelai Dixon, Anastaesia Fields, Luke Franklin, Caden Harriss, Lucy Horton, Elizabeth Kirby, Cory Robinson, Brandon Rodriguez and Phoebe Underwood. Not in attendance: Grace Claycamp, Mary Higdon and Bryce Blevins.

Bontrager, Casner, Horton, Robinson, Higdon and Blevins are serving their second year on the council.

The council serves as an advisory board to the mayor on issues affecting youth in the community. Nicholson started the youth council when he took office in 2020.

“It promotes civic commitment and community volunteerism, and gives our youth a voice and an opportunity to get involved in city government,” Nicholson said.



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