Fourth & O'Brien Streets Roundabout

The city is planning a $1.47 million project at the intersection of Fourth and O’Brien streets to improve the flow of traffic and make the area safer for motorists and pedestrians.

Plans call for the construction of a mini-roundabout in 2022 to replace the existing four-way stop.

Preliminary design plans and the environmental study can be viewed at Seymour City Hall, 211 N. Chestnut St. From 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Any resident or business impacted by the project can request a public hearing and/or make comments, share concerns or ask questions by calling Glenn Peterson with SEH engineering firm at 219-405-3982 or email on or before Aug. 19. Information also can be mailed upon request.

Eighty percent of funding for the project is coming from the state with a 20% or $294,000 match from the Seymour Redevelopment Commission.

The need for the project stems from the lack of bike and pedestrian infrastructure in the area and the significant queuing delay caused by stopped traffic.

The new design will improve how the intersection operates by increasing traffic flow and reducing conflict points and delayed traffic while having the least impact on surrounding properties.

City engineer Bernie Hauersperger said with the existing three roundabouts in Seymour, and plans for several more to be constructed in the city, motorists are becoming more familiar and comfortable with navigating them.

“I think we all see the savings in time and the increased safety that roundabouts produce,” he said.

To construct a safe and effective roundabout with proper design and safety measures, the city will have to purchase a third of an acre total of permanent right-of-way including the property at 310 N. O’Brien Street. Existing walls on both the northwest and southeast corners will be replaced with new retaining walls as part of the project.

“Adding another full roundabout would be best for safety, but we are limited in area with homes and businesses, so the mini-roundabout was selected,” Hauersperger said.

The design will drive the same as a normal roundabout for most vehicles but will require traffic to stop for semi-trailers and larger trucks.

“In this situation, the truck will enter the roundabout and others will need to stop and wait for this truck to clear,” he said. “The middle median area on a mini roundabout is all pavement, so trucks can get through the best they can.”

The intersection will be closed for five months during construction. During that time, traffic will be detoured using Burkart Boulevard to North O’Brien Street to Seventh Street to Blish Street to Third Street. Bike and pedestrian traffic will be detoured along Third Street to the pedestrian trail near Cummins.

“A little patience and practice go a long way, so I hope people will give this mini-roundabout a try to see the benefits it provides,” Hauersperger said.



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