City Proposes Annexation; Public Information Sessions

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It’s been eight years since Seymour annexed property on the city’s north side which allowed for the development of Burkart Crossing apartments and the Redbud Meadows subdivision. 

Now, Mayor Matt Nicholson is looking to take his turn at growing the city’s physical boundaries again. 

The city is proposing the annexation of a total of 719 acres, most of which is agricultural ground located south of the city between State Road 11 (South Walnut St.) and North County Road 975 East, where the new Burkart Boulevard extension currently is being built.  

The annexation area also includes properties surrounding Phase 1 of the extension from east of Silgan Plastics to east of Sycamore Road where the new road comes up near Walmart Supercenter east to County Road 975E. 

A total of 210 parcels are within the proposed annexation including all of the Ashwood and Hoevener subdivisions off of County Road 950E (Meadowbrook Drive) south of The Home Depot.   

Mayor Matt Nicholson said the annexation makes sense for the future of Seymour. 

“If we want to grow, this is the direction it’s going to happen,” he said. 

With the construction of the bypass, a pedestrian trail, railroad overpass and the sewer interceptor project, the city is setting up the area for future residential, commercial and industrial development.  

The annexation also will provide city services to residents in the annexation area including trash and recycle collection, snow removal and street maintenance, public transit, and police and fire protection.  

A fiscal impact report is being finalized and will be presented to the city council in the future for approval. Council also must approve an ordinance to annex on two separate readings.  

In an effort to provide information to impacted residents and property owners, the city is conducting community outreach meetings next month at the Seymour Community Center, 107 S. Chestnut St.  

Letters have been sent to all affected property owners. 

There will be six public meetings: 

  • Tuesday, July 6 – 6 p.m. 
  • Thursday, July 8 – 8:30 a.m. 
  • Monday, July 12 – 1 p.m. 
  • Wednesday, July 14 – 6 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, July 20 – 6 p.m. 
  • Thursday, July 22 – 6 p.m. 

These meetings are open to the general public but will most benefit those residents and property owners who received letters from the city.  

All meetings will be in-person, but the city may choose to impose crowd restrictions due to COVID-19. Meetings also will be available virtually through GoToMeeting. If you would like to attend virtually, call 812-522-4020 for login information.  

Public comments or questions about the annexation also can be submitted by email to Seymour Clerk-Treasurer Darrin Boas at or by mail to 301 N. Chestnut St., Seymour, IN 47274. Please note which meeting you would like your comment or question to be addressed. Also please indicate if you would like the question to be answered publicly during the outreach meetings or by email. Comments and questions should be submitted 24 hours prior to the intended meeting to ensure it is received, reviewed and answered.




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