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Mellencamp Mural Guestbook

About Seymour

The City of Seymour is located one hour south of Indianapolis, one hour north of Louisville and one and one-half hours west of Cincinnati. Seymour, Jackson County, Indiana is the place to live your future! Seymour has a population of approximately 20,000 residents and is served by Mayor Matthew Nicholson, Clerk-Treasurer Darrin Boas and seven Councilmembers.

Seymour is a thriving industrial, commercial, and residential community based on well-planned growth and progress. The quality of life is demonstrated by Seymour’s “small town” yet bustling atmosphere, beautiful parks and open spaces, attractive landscaping and arterial streets, a low crime rate, quality schools and affordable housing. Because of the geographic location, a pro-business environment, and a proactive local government — Seymour is expected to continue to grow.

Project Plans

Downtown Seymour Streetscape

The Downtown Seymour Streetscape Plan was adopted by City Council to be added to the City of Seymour Comprehensive plan.

Learn more about the Plans for Downtown Seymour Indiana








Introducing the New City of "Seymour Curb Appeal" Program

The City of Seymour Planning and Zoning Department would like to invite you to review their new Curb Appeal Program. The Curb Appeal Program is an assistance program for property owners to improve the appearance and quality of their property and enhance neighborhood aesthetic appeal.

Curb Appeal Program Objectives

  1. To assist in overall Seymour revitalization and improve its appearance and image.
  2. To help raise and improve the value of housing within Seymour city limits.
  3. To help provide property owners with resources to make improvements to the exterior of their homes and their property.
  4. To help leverage larger improvement projects and investment that may not otherwise take place.
  5. To create a positive influence on surrounding properties and encourage further investment by neighboring and nearby property owners.

Click here for more information on the Curb Appeal Program


Public Works Meetings

City Council Meetings

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City Holidays

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