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About Seymour

The City of Seymour is located one hour south of Indianapolis, one hour north of Louisville and one and one-half hours west of Cincinnati. Seymour, Jackson County, Indiana is the place to live your future! Seymour has a population of approximately 20,000 residents and is served by Mayor Matthew Nicholson, Clerk-Treasurer Darrin Boas and seven Councilmembers.

Seymour is a thriving industrial, commercial, and residential community based on well-planned growth and progress. The quality of life is demonstrated by Seymour’s “small town” yet bustling atmosphere, beautiful parks and open spaces, attractive landscaping and arterial streets, a low crime rate, quality schools and affordable housing. Because of the geographic location, a pro-business environment, and a proactive local government — Seymour is expected to continue to grow.

Project Plans

Downtown Seymour Streetscape

The Downtown Seymour Streetscape Plan was adopted by City Council to be added to the City of Seymour Comprehensive plan.

Learn more about the Plans for Downtown Seymour Indiana








Burn Ban Issued for Seymour and Jackson County

On October 14, 2022, Jackson County Commissioners issued a burn ban for the County. Whereas a county-wide burn ban affecting certain activities is an appropriate public safety response to the fire hazards presented by the current dry conditions, windy conditions, and low humidity creating the National Weather Service to issue Red Flag warnings.

Burn-Ban.pngWe also declare that effective immediately, the following activities are prohibited in Jackson County:

  1. Campfires and other recreational fires, unless enclosed in a fire ring with dimensions of 23 inches in diameter X 6 inches high or larger
  2. Open burning of any kind using conventional fuel such as wood, or other combustible matter, except for grills fueled by charcoal briquettes or propane
  3. The burning of debris, such as timber or vegetation, including such debris that results from building construction activities and/or windstorm debris
  4. The use of burn barrels for any open burning at residential structures
  5. Charcoal from permitted grills shall not be removed from the grills until the charcoal has been thoroughly extinguished.




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